Tag: idea
Reconsidering The Happy Death – Euthanasia
There is something in my mind right now, and it’s about performing euthanasia, but of course not to a human (or my patient). My little puppy gets seriously sick, he got high fever a few weeks ago and then double time complex seizures in short time periods. Well, worst than that, he started to lost…
I May Not Lead Nor Might Follow You
Every person born free – at least that we all believe in, even sometime reality showed us a cruel side of being free. Everyone free to stand on their own feet, walk within their own path, believe in their faith. I’ve said to myself, a long time ago, I won’t lead anyone, I won’t follow…
Pouring Wisdom for Nation
A couple of nights ago, I have a discussion about writing a book. Well, I never put any interest before about book writing, since I don’t like the idea about sharing thought just to some buyers. But I think that perhaps I was a complete stubborn (and yet don’t change at all). I do have…
To Stand, Above The Sun
Lately, a lot has been in my mind, but of all that, only a single trace of question remains as its core. A question of, “it is okay to give up?” Yes, it just like entering a haunted house, where you can’t turn back neither close you eyes. Perhaps you wish become a simple leave…
Colour That I Love
People may find this world so colourful, as colourful as they can pour their limitless feeling into everything around them without any hesitation, without any fear. Since their honest love are the very colour of this world itself. Colourful things around us, what are they exactly? How can they cherish us, or how can they…