The sponsor of this experimental project is the spirit it self. To be creative with waste, do a small action to help this island and to start see the journey of our creative difabel friends as a creative person not conditions.
My dearest friends in Bali,
On behalf of my little sister Putu Restiti. I would like to inform you that now we have this Bali Waste Not (Fashion Waste Chapter) – Experimental Project. Involving several creative youngster living with difability — the main goal of the project is to minimize the waste from fashion industry in Bali as low as possible by doing recyling programs.
Bali Waste Not (Fashion Waste Chapter) – Experimental Project as unique as our dreams
This experimental project is going to be our case study in provide the highest quality recycling services with timely collection, creative with waste and keeping our friends informed regarding the process while keep being responsive to their support.
On this experimental project we’re going learn how to recycle as much as possible, we also will guarantee that the materials we commit to recycle will be recycled and always look for ways to reduce and reuse items along with recycling. To ensure that our quality is the highest, we solicit input from our friends on how to improve our recycling program.
One of the most important components of a successful recycling program is the people. If people in Bali start to informed about recycling issues and know how recycling positively affects the environment, they do their part to recycle as much as possible.
Supporting the programs is easy. Never again throw your fashion industry waste away and make it end up on the landfills. Inform us and we would love to pick it up directly to your place no matter how small the quantity is. Should there’d be question regarding the project please dont hesitate to mail us to at anytime.
All the recycling activities will be conduct in Songan Village, Kintamani (60 km from Denpasar to the north of Bali). We also going to provide weekly reports on Putu Restiti’s website regarding the recycling process and probably monthly or bimonthly report with statistics regarding the tons recycled and how that affects the environment. The waste you send to them could be the waste that you want it back at the end.
By supporting the programs you’re not only support to make better environment in Bali, but you are also supporting Bali in raising awareness, increasing outreach and facilitating collaboration to improving the difable experience in Bali.
Follow us on @pure_bali and or @saktisoe with #DifableOnJourney #CreativeWithWaste
With heart,
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