Please Give

Dear Love,

Three years already, and today I stranded on this another learning that I can take from our togetherness. As we both know that we all grow hard shells to protect us from the pains of life. Those shells often keep joy out and pain in. Forgiveness breaks down the shell and returns us to a place of harmony with the people in your life, and with your destiny. Forgiveness makes us powerful by releasing us from the bonds of pain. And you know whats the best Dear? Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.

For me personally, forgiveness isn’t always easy to achieve. I’ve tried, many times I’ve tried to forgive a thing or two that annoyed me on around, but sometimes the dragons of anger in my mind keep breathing fire. Perhaps I am tormented by resentment and bitterness and an anguish that won’t go away. And by then, the trick to forgiveness is not to force it into existence with an act of will. I already know that doesn’t work. For me, forgiveness is an act of grace.

For the last couple weeks I open my heart to the grace of  forgiveness. I do it with pen, paper, and imagination. Also I do it with flowers, friends, talk and visiting a lot of friends – and it was not hurt at all. Instead, I laugh. With laughter comes freedom, insight, and a renewed sense of solidarity with your fellow travellers through this difficult, beautiful world.

Do you want to know whats the best Dear? Today, the dragon is still there. But for very much I know how to train him now. isn’t lovely? ๐Ÿ™‚

a note to remember. the dragon inside, you and the best thing in life that aren’t things, it sometimes forgiveness ๐Ÿ™‚


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