How to Keep Our Fit or Healthy?

Do What U Love, Love What U Do

In my opinion, we can keep our healthy if we do anything sincerely and happily.

First you should make your self comfortable with your activity. Don’t be bored and keep your spirit. Because health is not only about free from the disease but also about balancing your psychology, economic, and social condition.

Second keep your smile. Don’t be angry if someone give you some opinion about your style. Stay cool, and say ‘thank you very much‘.  ^^V

Magic Word –> THANK YOU ;)


So, how to keep our fit or healthy? Let’s check it out.

I think, You should wake up at 05.00 am in the morning, don’t be lazy. After that you should do an exercise to make your body fresh and healthy, do jog or do gymnastic at your home yard. That’s so simple, just move your body to the left and to the right. That’s good idea, While do jog or do an gymnastic we can listen to the radio or  music, Don’t be noisy because it’s can disturb other people who sleeping. You should wear headset to your Ipod, and be happy with your activity. Don’t forget to take a bath.

After that, you should have a breakfast with nutritional food such us bread, scramble egg, a glass of milk, etc. Don’t drink the coffee in the morning because it’s not good for your stomach. Do your daily activity and don’t sit for a long time, it’s also dangerous for your health. In the break time, you should drink some glass of water, it’s can refresh your brain and make your feel better. Don’t smoke if you need an inspiration. Wash your face, be creative, and you can get the inspiration.

Roma Irama says:” Don’t stay up all night, without an important reason”.(^_^), You should take a rest about 6 up to 8 hours per day to refresh your energy and keep normally your metabolism process in your body. If you feel cold in the night you shouldn’t drink liquor too much.

It’s also a good idea to drink a cup of hot tea or hot milk. Don’t forget to pray before you sleep. Fist your hands, close your eyes, and make a wish.

“My God, please give me strength to keep my healthy, thank you”. *_* #kedipkedip



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