Dear my lovely Sunday Morning..
Its out of sudden while I open the broadcasted messages from a musician friend of mine than info me the launching of Maroon5 new album, Hands All Over. I struck in a weird warm feeling gazing to the album cover. The naked girl with hands all over her. Somehow I smile and letting my self draw whatever she wants with all the memories she had.
Just like in interpreting the album, you might interpret it completely differently. For me, the image represents memories, sadness at leaving someone behind and a fire that an old flame will leave, and one that you’re never entirely sure will burn out. In me, the image completely bring all of my entire lovely memories while I’m with you Dear, inside out.
There’s this piece of memories about how you always trying to be invisible for me but at the same time you always love to hold me tight, with your hands all over me. A memory about those singing out loud time on the music box, singing the other maroon 5 hits from their previous album. About how we love to spend sometimes staying inside on bed with movies, book, stories or just fall asleep like there’s only two of us left in town.
And there’s this memory that I hardly want to forget, while just like an angel you back again to heaven, leave me here without any trace, but memories. I know you’re about to go though still I can look at you in the corner of my everyday. That hands all over image, put me in a state of mind that I am held by something invisible, it is real but just invisible, I being held by a love by you.
a note to remember. Oh the backsound of this page is Out of goodbyes, love this song so much. It’s on playlist and I play it over and over again while I was writing on this post. Truly bring all the best in you back, near me here again. My weird, wild, warm man – Wawan Diputra
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