Bar Luna Lit Club – Meet Bali’s Activists

Meet Bali’s Activists

★ Tuesday 31 May 8 PM

Gendo – Political/Environmental Activist
in conversation with Kartika Jahja

Gendo has been called the most famous activist in Bali. In the past he was very politically active and led many student protests which resulted in a term in jail. He then moved on to be active with environmental issues as the chairman of Walhi and is till on the board as an advisor. He will be speaking about controversial environmental issues including the impact of tourism on Bali.

★ Wednesday 1 June 8 PM

David Berman – Communications Designer & UN Advisor

Meet acclaimed communications designer and author, David Berman, who has recently been named a high level advisor to the United Nations on how design can be used to help fulfill the Millennium Development Goals. David Berman will discuss the role of designers in a changing world, focusing on ‘What role will design and designers play in delivering a positive future?’

★ Thursday 2 June 8 PM

Rudolf Dethu – Musical Activist
in conversation with Robi Navicula
+ acoustic set after the discussion with Robi and Dankie featuring Belinda Kazanci

Dethu is best known as the ex-manager for the punk rock band Superman is Dead, however he is also a radio producer, DJ and the chairman of OneDollarForMusic the foundation that was established to give young musicians a better opportunity to have their music heard. He has a strong commitment to young people and will be speaking about the Indonesian youth music scene and how Bali fits into this scene.

Bar Luna
Jalan Gootama, Ubud
(behind Nomad Restaurant)


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